The postman arrived today. A package from
Sweden and
Taiwan. Last week i got the beautiful cards of
Hanna. I had a beautiful autumn-swap with really makes me happy. All this beauty, all this creativity and so much inspiration!
Thank you all.
I had to write about the archetype of the artist for my exam in november and how i see myself. It's an never ending story, always in development. (?) I wish i lived in the golden-age where you could have your own master to learn from. Lucky for me...included by Camilla's book; there are cards to make your own Camilla-Collage! I already started! Show you when i'm finished. This way i can still learn a lot!
And i had coffee with
Anja! It was nice meeting her. Talking about inspiration. We will probably meet again! Funny how you can meet trough the web.
There are photos with all these little stories, also this morning when it was really winter outside! It still is...
But i don't have time to up-load. I will do a picture-post soon!