I won this wonderful stamp! Made by Daan! Like the old days...post with the pigeon became airmail... I prefer snail-mail instead of e-mail. I already sent my first package with it!
By the way..if you scroll down at Daan...you can win another one!
I guess it was my lucky day...found these for only 0.60 eurocents each. Once i did a swedish language course so i can practise again cause the books are in swedish.
Next week my youngest son will turn 4 years old! It's amazing. Then all three of them are going to school! Mixed feelings but Ot is proud...now he can cycle to school as well! We practised last week. Yesterday we also went to Ellert and Brammert and listened to their story in the old school.
Went out of bed at 4.45 and spent the early morning hours here. Watching the sun come up... Came home at 7.45 drank some coffee and then made breakfast for the kids! What a good start of the day! (I'll show you the result when finished)
Luna has won the design contest for a traffic sign! So now her sign is for real! I will show you soon. Of course i was too late (still working) too see it all live, didn't bring my camara BUT...the local television station made this short 'film' about the traffic problems around school!
You can see more of his dummies here! So much inspiration! (Last weekend i already bought my travel journey and the lonely planet of Ethiopia! That's why i got here again!..)
We are enjoying our spring holiday...and the beautiful trees; i think it's still a couple of days before they are all on the ground... Cherry Blossom - Sakura
The last time i was in Africa was in 1997-1998, South Africa. I celebrated the new year in Cape town. I was also working/playing at Sunshine Place, a childrens home in East London. I made a book about their life. At the end of september i'm going to Ethiopia together with my aunt who is a midwife. Since january 2009 her collegue Tineke moved to this country to set up a klinik and now we will visit her Kliniek Hidi. I am really excited about this trip! I wonder who i will meet...