dinsdag, februari 22, 2011

Cutting Edges

In love with a new book! So much to see.

donderdag, februari 17, 2011

woensdag, februari 16, 2011

Treasure II

This morning i had coffe with Anja! I really enjoy her projects of people & animals and her collections.
The stamp on the envelop reminded me of another treasure...

vrijdag, februari 11, 2011

dinsdag, februari 08, 2011


Inspired by Henk Helmantel who lives in the "neighbourhood". I would like to visit the gallery. It's amazingthis reality!

maandag, februari 07, 2011


This never happened before...still windy and cold and i already know where we will spent our summer-holiday!
I travelled many countries but never went to Italy and that's where we will be! Toscane....
So if you have nice tips, places where i have to go or where i can find something ...eh...special....just leave a note!

And...no, we will not go camping...
(this picture i took at the Kleine Fabriek last January. You can tell it's IJMS work!)

dinsdag, februari 01, 2011

Hidden treasures

Somethings have been kept away in boxes for a long time...
1. Memory-game made by my sister-in-law. She gave it to us when Peter and I got married....(almost 11 years ago)


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